
Get closer with your participants online anytime and learn "in the moment insights" from participants while they're in a natural and familiar space. Monitor interviews and ask questions while maintaining anonymity with the backroom function, as well as 2-channel audio that allows simultaneous translation during the interview.




Recreate store shelves online where your respondents can virtually shop. Their purchase behavior can be collected to review your product performance on the shelf, so you can tell how impactful your product is and determine the conversion rate of purchases.



Demonstrate the attractive and unattractive points of your product to improve the package design. i-Mesh helps you to understand the parts that appeal to your consumers.

Phox Diver

Phox Diver

Store photo data in one easy-to-keep service where you can manage and easily organize the photo information owned by your company or collected through research. This includes features such as exclusive access to over 20,000 images, multi-language search function, and multi-device support.

* Click 'Login' to begin.

Real-Time Video Evaluation Service

Real-Time Video Evaluation Service

Collect intuitive and sensory reactions from your participants as data from a detailed heat map of taps collected during an evaluation of a video survey.

Ready to upgrade your projects with our market research solutions?
Request a demo today.